A Stumble in the Right Direction?

Back when I used to write regularly, (a long, long, loooooong time ago), I would always have trouble starting my stories. I knew where I wanted them to end up and how I wanted to get there, but I never really knew how to begin. I guess I’m having the same problem here.

Maybe I should start by introducing myself. Hello, all. My name is Sarah. I am a mid-to-late 20s paralegal, wife (if you couldn’t guess) and “mother” to the cutest (baddest/craziest/hungriest) doggie of all time, the Lou. I love sports, reading, tv and am just starting to get into computer gaming (the hubby’s other love… probably more on that as time goes on). I’m not a very complicated person. I’m from the little ole state of Louisiana, and yes, I’m Cajun. No, I don’t live deep in the bayou and own a pet alligator (although I had the chance to buy one on a field trip in elementary school. My mom was very happy I came home without any reptiles).

I stressed about finding a topic for this blog for a good while before I actually created anything. Most of the how-to-create-a-successful-blog sites recommended coming up with a theme and naming your blog around it. That’s the most important first step. So, after agonizing for weeks, I finally realized two things: a. I’m not really knowledgeable enough about anything in particular to have a topic-specific blog, and b. the blogs I enjoy the most are ones about people’s everyday lives. I like hearing about all the mischief one friend who moved to France is getting into, and what things my cousin in South Carolina is loving at the moment. I recently came across the blog of my old high school Religion teacher (who I haven’t seen in 10 or 11 years) and her adventures with her 5 (going on 6?) children.

My point is, I had finally decided what to write about. My life. My thoughts. My musings. It may not be that interesting, but maybe it will give my husband a break from listening to my insane dreams or my latest theory on whatever happens to pop into my head. Or trying to follow along with my ADD-style answers to “How was your day?”

Now, onto the important question: Why did I even decide to start a blog in the first place? As I mentioned before, I’m not going to start an instructional blog on how-to-do-anything, and I’m not moving to a new and exotic place. I probably won’t even tell many people, if anyone,  about this blog. Why start one then?

It’s simple (for me anyway). I was thinking back the other day to when I was in middle and high school. I used to LOVE to write. I wrote short stories constantly. I won a few contests at school and online (way way way back in the day) and had always just assumed I would put together a book of all my stories (my previously referred to ADD kept me from ever being under the delusion that I could write a full book). However, as time went on, I’ve gotten busier and busier in life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my life, but trying to graduate college quickly and loan-free by working full time, then moving onto marriage and grown-up life, with everything that comes with it, doesn’t leave a lot of time to get the creative juices going.

So, I decided here would be a good place to start. It may not be the stories I wanted, but at least I’m writing. Maybe I’ll actually even post again!

Well, the Lou is barking and I have work to get to.