A New Focus

Well, it’s been over 3 years since my last post, and WOW, has my life changed. There have been small changes, obviously, but there have also been big changes.

Two big changes come to mind:

The first is that I am now the Misc Mommy of a wild, smart, beautiful, sassy 3-year old girl. As cliche as it sounds, this child has changed my life in every single way.  The hubby and I are both completely and totally in love. Seriously, look at this face: ❤


She definitely has her daddy wrapped around her finger. Who am I kidding? She has us both wrapped!

The second, not as major, but still a huge impact on my life, is that I was diagnosed with celiac disease a year ago. If you aren’t familiar with the lovely life sentence, it means that my body cannot process gluten. In fact, if I eat something made with (or cross-contaminated with) gluten, my body will literally attack itself. Well, that’s the brief explanation at least. And everyone reacts differently to gluten. Personally, I usually have really bad digestive and anemic-type symptoms for a few days after being “glutened.” There is also no cure, and the only treatment as of now is a completely, 100% gluten-free diet.

Gluten is a protein found in grains (wheat, rye, spelt and barley). This means no regular bread, pizza, beer, pasta, most sauces (flour), gumbo (being from Louisiana, this is HORRIBLE), and is even found in most pre-made spice blends. Celiacs (and other people with non-celiac gluten allergies) have to be super careful with eating anything they aren’t 100% sure of.

Thankfully, I’ve found substitutes and recipes that allow me to eat pretty well. I can also still eat steak, seafood and veggies, so, despite my cravings for a thick crust pizza or a crunchy roll (did you know Krab has gluten? I found that out the hard way…) I’m usually happy. I may even share some of my favorite recipes with you!

Even with these two changes flipping my life upside down, I am still trying to find time to travel, take pictures and eat (as well as I can) my way  through life.

Laissez les bon temps roulez!

Talk to Me!