10 Years is a Long Time

Does anyone remember being asked when younger, “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”  How many of us are anywhere near where we thought we’d be? How many of us actually remember what we said 10 years ago?

 Last Wednesday, May 14th, was the 10 year anniversary of my High School Graduation. I can honestly say I would never have guessed I’d be where I am today.

 In High School, I was ridiculously shy when it came to meeting new people. I was also pretty oblivious when it came to guys due to my lack of self confidence. I loved acting and directing in our drama club, and I was also very (privately) competitive, both with myself and others. Based on most of this, I assumed I would end up living alone with some a dog or three, still in the area of BR I grew up in. I would hang out with the same friends from school, but probably not too many new people. I had no idea what I wanted to do as a job, I guess I hadn’t thought about it much at the time. I always assumed I could be a teacher of young kids, as I had always enjoyed tutoring. I’d have loved to volunteer at a local theater.

 That’s not where I am now at all.

 I’m now married and living in NO (never thought that would happen). My husband has made me a much more outgoing person, so I’ve made a lot of new friends. I’ve still  been able to travel, going to 9 different countries and many new states. I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology (which I don’t use, but it was fun getting!). I have a great job as a paralegal, a job I didn’t even know existed when I was in school. I have heard horror stories from people in law firms (and had a nightmare of a previous job), and am lucky enough to have wonderful bosses and co-workers, in a mostly positive environment. I have a wonderful dog-baby, who is spoiled rotten. No kids yet, but they are in the plans for the next few years. I have a wonderful relationship  with both of my parents and my sister, as well as all of my in-laws.

 Sure, I have regrets. Who doesn’t? But the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. I may not have been able to accurately imagine where I would be in 10 years, but I’m pretty happy about where I wound up.