So, That Failed, and Other Inspiring Thoughts

Yeah, so I’ve missed a bit with this blogging thing. Things have been absolutely, insanely busy here the last few months, and I don’t think it’s going to ease up anytime soon. I guess that means I’ll have to force myself to make more time for writing!

Speaking of things I haven’t done in a long, long time, the hubby and I went with some friends last night to see a play. It was really silly and cheesy, but we really enjoyed it. I was happily surprised because the hubby HATES musicales but still liked this one. Anyway, it really made me miss acting. I wasn’t that great in high school, but I still loved it. The only thing that stopped me from pursuing theatre in college was that damn Improv class you had to take before everything else!

What I really wanted to do was direct! I had an opportunity my senior year to direct our small play, and I loved it! The hubby said it probably had to do with my need to control everything… he may be right in that…

Switching gears a bit, I read the local news websites every morning before work, just to see what’s going on. It feels like all they report now is crime and sadness. I want to bring happy, inspiring news to people, stories that make you remember that there are good people still left in the world.

I was watching SportsCenter while getting dressed this morning, and they talked about this 7th grader, Owen Groesser, from Michigan with Down Syndrome. He LOVES basketball, but, because of his DS, never really got to play. His parents talked to the coach who allowed him to become the Manager of the 7th grade team. He would come to every practice and game, and, for the last game of the season, the coach came up with a special play just so he could enter the game. He made two 3-point shots.

Not only is his story inspiring in the sense that he managed to succeed in what he loved, despite his genetic disorder (which, of course, shows that anyone can succeed if they work hard enough), but it was also wonderful to see the students who supported him. You hear about how cruel children can be, but this middle school stood behind him, chanting and cheering for him, holding up posters, and, though social media, getting him onto SportsCenter.

If you want to read the story/watch the video (warning, it made me cry. I cry at everything though…), here is the link to ESPN’s story: . You need to check it out, as it will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside during these cold months! 🙂