Our Grand European Adventure Part 3 – a.k.a. Dog in a Bathtub

I know you’ve all been waiting impatiently for the last installment of the Hubby and my grand European adventure, so here it is! Paris!

It’s been a while, and I’m trying to actually get this posted, so this will mostly be a few of our favorite memories and pictures from Paris.

View from our apartment

                  View from our apartment

Our apartment had a window in the roof where you could see the city. Every night, the Eiffel Tower would light up and sparkle. It was really pretty.

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Pysche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss – one of my favorites.

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Venus de Milo

I can't remember the name of this one, but David and I loved it.

I can’t remember the name of this one, but David and I loved it.

We saw many other pieces of art besides the sculptures, but they are always my favorites. We went to the Louvre (obviously), but also the Musée d’Orsay. I’ve always liked Degas, and found a few others I like as well (unfortunately, I can’t remember their names at the moment…).

They have living lawnmowers in Paris.

They have living lawnmowers in Paris.

Yes, we did add a lock to the bridge. No, I am not sorry. Yes, our names may have smudged off in the process of locking it.

Yes, we did add a lock to the bridge. No, I am not sorry. Yes, our names may have smudged off in the process of locking it.

The best way to take a break from sight-seeing? Feeding birds in the park, of course!

The best way to take a break from sight-seeing? Feeding birds in the park, of course!

If you can't tell, it's the Eiffel Tower... so perty.

If you can’t tell, it’s the Eiffel Tower… so perty.

We waited in line FOR-EV-ER to go up the Eiffel Tower, but the view was fantastic.

We waited in line FOR-EV-ER to go up the Eiffel Tower, but the view was fantastic.

Unfortunately (or rather, fortunately), I did not get any pictures of our ’90s dance party in the apartment that night, complete with GRAPPA(!!), wine and twerking. There may have been some cat-calls through the window to guys standing on the corner below us.

2 thoughts on “Our Grand European Adventure Part 3 – a.k.a. Dog in a Bathtub

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