Looking Back, Looking Forward

Does it still feel like 2014 to anyone else? Maybe because it went by so quickly. For as fast as it went by, We did a good bit in 2014.

We traveled. We went to Los Angeles and San Diego for my birthday/Mardi Gras, where we got to be in the audience for a day of the NA LCS tournament (League of Legends for all you non-nerds out there), visit the Warner Brothers Studio Lot (unfortunately no live studio audience there), and go to the SAN DIEGO ZOO (bucket list item checked off). We also went to Europe for the Hubby’s birthday ( London , Rome , and Paris ). We checked off an EPL football match while in London.

We fished in Grand Isle. I went to the Schlitterbahn Water Park. I held a penguin for my birthday (another bucket list item!). We celebrated weddings and engagements. We worked (and worked and worked and worked). The hubby re-did my closet. We got a new car. I’m sure I’m forgetting so many things, but I think you get the idea. It was a great year, but now it’s over.

Now it’s time to look forward to 2015. I’m not very good at keeping up with my resolutions, but this year, I’ve talked to the hubby about some of them, and he is on board with helping me.

Resolution No. 1 – The hubby and I will try to cook something new/different once a week/every other week (I’m not sure if once a week is realistic yet, but we’ll try). We received all kinds of cool stuff that we have yet to use. Did I mention I got casserole dishes for Christmas from my mom and nanny, which I’m way too excited about? I also got a few cookbooks for the crock pot from my sister. After watching Worst Cooks in America, I kind of want to take some cooking classes as well. So I need to get on that.

Resolution No. 2 – I will keep up with the laundry. I’m failing in this wifely duty. I told the hubby to keep on me about it – not just complain when it hasn’t been done in… a week, we’ll say.

Resolution No. 3 – Use my camera more. I bought a beginner book to kind of help me, but my best chance of getting better is to go out and actually use it. I’m sure the hubby and Lou won’t mind me using them as test subjects, right?

Resolution No. 4 – Keep up with this blog more. I enjoy it when I actually keep up, so I’m going to try to do better.

Resolution No. 5 – A constant one that I never keep up with: actually use my elliptical. I feel so much better about myself when I actually exercise. Plus, it’s guilty-pleasure Netflix time without feeling quite as guilty.

Resolution No. 6 – This isn’t actually a resolution, but more of a promise to myself. I will get on the hubby about making some repairs to the backyard and house. There are things we’ve been putting off that really, really need to be done. So, yes. And, finally,

Resolution No. 7 – pay off a bigger chunk of my student loan. I don’t have much, so we’ve been focusing on the hubby’s massive loans first. However, I would feel better if I didn’t still have mine hanging over our heads.

I  wonder how many of the above I will actually keep? Here’s to a great 2015, everyone!

Talk to Me!