“Time Crawls On…

“Time Crawls On While You’re Waiting on the Song to Start, So Dance Alone To the Beat of Your Heart”
– Fall Out Boy, “The Phoenix”

I’ve been loving this song for a while now, especially this line. Besides the catchy tune, i’s a reminder to me not to wait around on things just because the time isn’t right or I’m worried about what might happen. Just to do it. 

So, the hubby and I have decided to go to Europe for his upcoming 30th birthday. We haven’t booked any tickets yet or even asked off of work, but we’ve definitely decided to just go! No kids yet and our finances are in a good place, so why not?

We’ve always talked about how we want to travel before we have kids, but kept putting Europe off for other, less expensive places (although I’m always up for a return trip to Cancun, so a lot of it was my fault!). It’s always been pretty much at the top of our travel list, though. We had actually been planning a trip to visit some friends in New York when we thought, ‘What the hell? We’re never going to find the perfect time, so let’s just go!’

I’m usually not a very impulsive person, so this is a little scary for me, but it’s exciting at the same time! And things happen to be working out well so far… the Barclay’s Premier League starts up right before we go, so we’re trying to plan to see a match somewhere (Go USA in the World Cup, by the way!)