Spaz-tastic Wifey

Today, I became resigned to the fact that I will never be able to deal with food without making a mess. It’s just a fact of life that I (and everyone around me) will just have to accept. Today was just one, small example.

I had a nice little container of Camellia Brand White Beans and Rice to heat up for lunch (yum!). I had waited patiently for lunch time to roll around, and raced to the kitchen as soon as my phone showed 12:00. (My computer still read 11:57, but I didn’t care.)

Surprisingly, there was no line at the microwave. I had the whole kitchen to myself. Which was a good thing, in hindsight.

The directions on the container said to peel off the metal lid. Ok, sounds easy enough. It’s always that last part of the lid snapping off that causes problems.

Somehow I managed to get beans everywhere. On me, on the table, on the wall. Yeah. Good thing I was alone.

I had just finished cleaning up the last of it when a co-worker walked in. I thought I had gotten away with my mess, until I walked back to my desk (with what was left of the now deliciously hot white beans that hadn’t been spilled), and saw this:

I have to walk around with this all day...

I have to walk around with this all day…

It’s ok though. I’m going out for wings tonight.

New Orleans Fall…

The weather has been absolutely beautiful the last two weekends here in South Louisiana. Sunny, cool in the mornings and warm (actually, pretty hot) in the afternoons. We don’t really get much of a fall here, so I was determined to take advantage of how nice it was!

Usually the hubby and I are so exhausted by Friday that we don’t really leave the house on Saturday and Sunday if we can help it. There are some weekends we don’t even change out of our pajamas, until it’s time to put on new pajamas. Sweatpants and t-shirts are the uniform (except, of course, when the Saints or Fighting Tigers are playing – then it’s sweatpants and a jersey!).

My original plan for two weekends ago involved convincing someone to go to the zoo with me. I thought it would be pretty easy because, really, who doesn’t love the zoo? My mom had another idea – how about a graveyard tour? It was something mom, sister and I had been wanting to do, and had just never thought about it in time. Although it wasn’t the zoo, I decided it would have to do.

Now, for those of you who have never been in a New Orleans graveyard, the first thing to understand is that everything around here seems to be haunted, so you can get some good stories. Also, because we are below sea level, all of the tombs are built up instead of buried underground (apparently early settlers tried the whole burial underground here, but bodies started popping up out of the ground or something).

I was surprised at how bad the condition of some of the tombs were, especially since some were kept up so well. It went with the “haunted” theme I guess.

Tomb of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau...

Tomb of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau…

Graveyard Tour 030

Graveyard Tour 049

Graveyard Tour 044

Also, Nicholas Cage built a huge pyramid tomb right in the center of the graveyard. And women kiss it to leave lipstick marks. Yeah.

Anyone want to kiss it? No? Thought so.

Anyone want to kiss it? No? Thought so.

This past weekend, the hubby and I decided to joint S-FIL and FIL on a fishing trip. Our beloved Saints weren’t playing until Sunday night, so we figured we’d spend the beautiful morning before fishing. Unfortunately, the hubby started feeling bad so he didn’t enjoy the trip as much as hoped. We still caught a fair amount of trout and some drum. I also won for “weirdest” catch with a small jellyfish and a stingray.

Unfortunately, I didn’t trust myself to not drop my camera in the water, so I didn’t really get any pictures of the fish or the sunrise or the beautiful bayou scenery that makes up South Louisiana. You’ll just have to take my word for it that it’s gorgeous out there.

Graveyard Tour 054


What do you like to do when the weather is nice?


My Dorky Childhood

Today is my cousin’s 29th birthday. She’s only a year older than me, so we were very close growing up. My sister and I would spend half the summer at her house, and she and her sister would spend the other half at ours. Unfortunately, we’ve grown further apart as we’ve gotten older. 

While wishing her “Happy Birthday” using our childhood code name, I got to thinking about all the imaginative, nerdy things we used to get into. We used to have so much fun! 

Our favorite game was the “Nobody Can See You” game. We thought we were so smart, sneaking around the house and yard. Of course my aunt didn’t see us crawling under the table! This game usually warped into a spy game, with my cousin and I spying (and being counter-spied on) by my our little sisters. 

Hide-and-seek tag, along with sardines, were also favorites, especially when the sun started to go down. Out in the country where they lived, when it got dark, you could duck down in the grass and it would take about 10 minutes before anyone noticed you. Of course, this game always moved inside once the spiders started crawling down out of their tree…

Have you ever heard of the game Tales of the Crystals? Ultimate girl-fantasy-nerd roleplaying game. The best ever. Basically, 2-4 girls had crystals, that each had a magic power. They followed a cassette tape fairy’s instructions, avoiding ogres and thwarting the evil Lady Morphia. There was even magic powder (don’t worry, we taste-tested it… it was sugar…) Yeah, we played that all the time. 

I even found a game on Amazon that I bought for my future children. Now, I just need to find a cassette player to keep in storage. 

My future kids have no shot. They will be dorks, just like their mama!

“Time Crawls On…

“Time Crawls On While You’re Waiting on the Song to Start, So Dance Alone To the Beat of Your Heart”
– Fall Out Boy, “The Phoenix”

I’ve been loving this song for a while now, especially this line. Besides the catchy tune, i’s a reminder to me not to wait around on things just because the time isn’t right or I’m worried about what might happen. Just to do it. 

So, the hubby and I have decided to go to Europe for his upcoming 30th birthday. We haven’t booked any tickets yet or even asked off of work, but we’ve definitely decided to just go! No kids yet and our finances are in a good place, so why not?

We’ve always talked about how we want to travel before we have kids, but kept putting Europe off for other, less expensive places (although I’m always up for a return trip to Cancun, so a lot of it was my fault!). It’s always been pretty much at the top of our travel list, though. We had actually been planning a trip to visit some friends in New York when we thought, ‘What the hell? We’re never going to find the perfect time, so let’s just go!’

I’m usually not a very impulsive person, so this is a little scary for me, but it’s exciting at the same time! And things happen to be working out well so far… the Barclay’s Premier League starts up right before we go, so we’re trying to plan to see a match somewhere (Go USA in the World Cup, by the way!)


10 Years is a Long Time

Does anyone remember being asked when younger, “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”  How many of us are anywhere near where we thought we’d be? How many of us actually remember what we said 10 years ago?

 Last Wednesday, May 14th, was the 10 year anniversary of my High School Graduation. I can honestly say I would never have guessed I’d be where I am today.

 In High School, I was ridiculously shy when it came to meeting new people. I was also pretty oblivious when it came to guys due to my lack of self confidence. I loved acting and directing in our drama club, and I was also very (privately) competitive, both with myself and others. Based on most of this, I assumed I would end up living alone with some a dog or three, still in the area of BR I grew up in. I would hang out with the same friends from school, but probably not too many new people. I had no idea what I wanted to do as a job, I guess I hadn’t thought about it much at the time. I always assumed I could be a teacher of young kids, as I had always enjoyed tutoring. I’d have loved to volunteer at a local theater.

 That’s not where I am now at all.

 I’m now married and living in NO (never thought that would happen). My husband has made me a much more outgoing person, so I’ve made a lot of new friends. I’ve still  been able to travel, going to 9 different countries and many new states. I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology (which I don’t use, but it was fun getting!). I have a great job as a paralegal, a job I didn’t even know existed when I was in school. I have heard horror stories from people in law firms (and had a nightmare of a previous job), and am lucky enough to have wonderful bosses and co-workers, in a mostly positive environment. I have a wonderful dog-baby, who is spoiled rotten. No kids yet, but they are in the plans for the next few years. I have a wonderful relationship  with both of my parents and my sister, as well as all of my in-laws.

 Sure, I have regrets. Who doesn’t? But the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. I may not have been able to accurately imagine where I would be in 10 years, but I’m pretty happy about where I wound up.