Busy Little Bees

Wow, these last two months have been ridiculously busy. I had a huge trial to prep for, and then participate in, and the Hubby has been managing the move of most of his co-workers and bosses into a new building. He’s gotten to have a great deal of input on the design and decorating of the office and it looks really, really nice. We’ve both been stressed out lately though.

We also celebrated Mardi Gras back in February. At my office, we take turns bringing King Cakes during the Mardi Gras season, depending on who got the baby in the last one. Unfortunately, someone decided they wanted some cake, but didn’t want to admit they had the baby, so they stuck it back in another piece…. I offered to bring one because I happen to live near a place with THE BEST King Cakes in New Orleans…. Caluda’s!! I mean, seriously, look at this King Cake.

Half of it was devoured before I could take a picture, but the knife is there for size reference.

Half of it was devoured before I could take a picture, but the knife is there for size reference.

I also made some attempts at cooking over the past two months. I didn’t burn down the kitchen, and the food was still actually pretty good, so I count that as a win. I did a filet one night with minced garlic on top (which I only slightly overcooked… it came out more medium well than medium rare). We also discovered our smoke detectors don’t work during this process. Ahem. I also attempted a tuna steak, which also came out a little overcooked, but overall well. I made up my own little dipping sauce to go with it, since I didn’t have the majority of the items on the recipe I was working off of. It also contained garlic, so it worked.

It was only a little overcooked, but the garlic added tons of flavor!

It was only a little overcooked, but the garlic added tons of flavor!

While I prefer my tuna sashimi-style, this came out pretty good as well!

While I prefer my tuna sashimi-style, this came out pretty good as well!

The weather is finally starting to get nice here. I could never live up north, where it’s still snowing. Let me have this nice  70 degree weather all year round, and I’d be the happiest camper who ever camped! Even the pup loved it!

20150208_121417And, In honor of National Puppy Day yesterday, I’ll leave you with this little bit of adorableness:
